Home Horoscope Characteristics of Constellations

Characteristics of Constellations

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In the previous lesson, we became familiar with the symbols of the 12 zodiac signs . In this lesson, we will discuss the general characteristics of the 12 zodiac signs. Learning these characteristics is essential. A basic understanding of each sign will provide you with information about how the planets work in those signs. (PS: You don’t just know your sun sign, you need to know more about the signs and planets!)

Constellation elements: There are four elements, and each constellation has its own element, which gives a person a certain temperament. Fire Element
: Fiery, passionate, passionate, intense Earth Element : Earthy, grounded, reliable, practical Air Element : Intellectual, quick, analytical, communicative Water Element : Sensitive, intuitive, emotional, empathetic Zodiac Mode: There are three modes, It also adds more dimensions to the characteristics of the 12 zodiac signs. Basic zodiac sign : Action-oriented likes to take the lead initiate activities Fixed zodiac sign : Stubborn likes to build on the current stable structure likes stability + order Changeable zodiac sign : Adaptable changeable able to change constantly When you start to learn the 12 zodiac signs This seems like a lot to remember when looking at the basic features, but thankfully some smart people have sorted it all out. That’s why I secretly think Virgo created the whole system, it’s actually pretty organized! For example:

Aries is the fire element + cardinal sign.
Taurus is the earth element + fixed sign.
Gemini is the air element + mutable sign.
Cancer is water element + cardinal sign.
Leo is the fire element + fixed sign.

Think about how this combination affects their personality. :
Aries will be fiery, passionate (Fire sign) and a natural leader (Cardinal sign).
Taurus will be down-to-earth (an earth sign) and stubborn (a fixed sign).
Gemini will be full of intelligence (an air sign) and highly adaptable (a mutable sign).
Cancer will be emotional (a water sign) and like to take charge (a cardinal sign).

Now, you understand?

Now also remember that every zodiac sign has positive and negative traits. Why do we need this information? This is because in further lessons, when we look at planetary aspects (both good and bad), you can see how a good characteristic can become less advantageous.

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