Home Astrology 10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Astrology

10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Astrology

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Astrology is not considered a pseudo-science or a future-predicting tool, but rather an ancient wisdom that studies a person’s life through birth indicators. Here are some eye opening facts about astrology, you had no clue about.
10 Facts about astrology you didn’t know
Most people consider astrology to be a study that can definitely predict your future, others consider it just a wordplay where astrologists speak fancy words to either impress or scare its believers, they consider it to have no scientific depth to it. Astrology is not a pseudo-science neither is it a future-predicting machinery, it is an ancient wisdom that studies a person’s life through their birth indicators- like birth year, date and month, and position of stars and analyzes all of them to come to a conclusion of various possibilities that a person might face in life.
Ultimately the path to walk on is chosen by the individual himself and no force can coerce them out of their own free will. Here are a few facts that you probably didn’t know about astrology.
1. The sun sign in astrology represents your core essence
It defines your personality traits such as strengths, and weaknesses, and the fundamental qualities that drive you from the heart and deep within your being. It is determined by the position of the sun at the time of your birth and is considered one of the most significant factors in your astrological profile.
The sun is associated with vitality and energy. Therefore, your sun sign reveals what motivates and energizes you in life. It represents your inner drive, the things that you are naturally drawn to, and the activities that make you feel alive.
2. Here’s how Mercury retrograde can actually be good
While Mercury retrograde is often associated with communication mishaps and general chaos it can indeed have some positive aspects and benefits. Mercury retrograde encourages us to slow down and reflect on various aspects of our lives. It’s an excellent time to delve into self-discovery, revisit past experiences, and gain insights into our thought processes and behaviors. This introspection can lead to personal growth and self-awareness. During retrograde, it’s common for unexpected issues to arise. While this can be frustrating, it provides an opportunity to reevaluate your goals, it’s a chance to make necessary adjustments and realign your path with your true desires.
3. Accurate reading of your birth chart requires knowing your birthplace and time
An astrological birth chart is a map of the sky at the exact moment of your birth. The positions of the planets are crucial components of this chart. These positions change rapidly as the Earth rotates. Knowing your birthplace and time of birth allows an astrologer to calculate these positions accurately. The aspects, or angles, formed between planets are critical in astrology. These aspects reveal the dynamic relationships between different parts of your personality and life experiences.
4. Your rising sign, represents the first impression you make on others
Also known as the ascendant sign, it plays a significant role in astrology as it represents your identity, the first impression you make on others, and your outer personality. It is determined by the sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. It governs the way you present yourself to the world. The rising sign can influence your physical appearance and how you carry yourself.
5. Compatibility between two individuals
In relationship astrology, the compatibility between two individuals may be influenced by their rising signs
When people have compatible rising signs, their initial interactions can be smoother and more harmonious leading to a compatible or a match-made-in-heaven kind of relationship. This is also the reason why some people put so much emphasis on compatible charts of astrology while making important decisions like who to marry.
6. You have more than one sign
In astrology, an individual’s astrological profile consists of multiple signs and placements, each contributing to their unique personality and life experiences. The three primary signs in an individual’s astrological profile are- the sun sign, it represents your core personality, The moon sign reflects your emotional nature, and The ascendant sign, which represents your outer personality and the impression you make on others.
7. People have aspects of all 12 zodiac signs in their astrological profiles
zodaic signs
A complete astrological birth chart includes the positions of the sun, moon, planets, and other celestial bodies in the 12 zodiac signs and 12 astrological houses. Each celestial body’s placement in a specific sign and house contributes to various aspects of an individual’s personality and life experiences. The positions of the planets in the zodiac signs at the time of your birth play a role in shaping your personality and characteristics.
8. Astrological houses
Astrological houses represent specific areas of your life, such as family, career, and relationships. Planets in different houses interact with the zodiac signs associated with those houses, adding further complexity and variety to your astrological makeup. Over time, the positions of planets in your birth chart change due to transits and progressions. These changing positions can activate different signs and houses in your chart, influencing your experiences and personal growth.
9. Venus is indeed closely associated with love in astrology
Venus represents the qualities and experiences related to love, romance, and relationships in an astrological chart. It governs how we express affection, seek emotional connections, and experience the pleasure of being in love. This could also be one of the reasons why in Roman mythology, Venus was equivalent to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, who was the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. Venus is associated with qualities like harmony, balance, and diplomacy. In relationships, it reflects our ability to create and maintain harmony, resolve conflicts, and express affection in a balanced way. It influences our preferences for partners who complement and balance our own qualities.
10. You could be born on the cusp of two signs
In astrology, being born ‘on the cusp’ means that your birthdate falls on or very close to the transition point between two adjacent zodiac signs. These transition points occur when the Sun moves from one sign to another. When someone is born within a day or two of this transition, they are considered to be on the cusp of two signs. People born on the cusp often exhibit a blend of qualities from both signs. Being on the cusp can bring both challenges and opportunities.

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