Home Tarot Why are tarot cards accurate? Why are tarot cards accurate?

Why are tarot cards accurate? Why are tarot cards accurate?

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Going back to the roots:

Tarot cards have been a favorite since their inception. Both in the West and in the East, tarot cards have played the role of a mystical tool that is widely used for divination, predicting the future and exploring the inner world. So, why is tarot divinely accurate? This article will try to give a comprehensive and scientific answer by combining historical stories with modern and up-to-date information.

History of Tarot

Tarot cards originated in Renaissance Europe and were first considered a form of entertainment. At that time, royalty and nobility used to organize large-scale gatherings, one of the highlights of which was a game of tarot. Later, as people’s passion for divination and mysticism continued to grow, tarot cards evolved into a divination tool and were introduced to France in the late 18th century.

In the mid-19th century, the Tarot was again adapted and made its way to England. Well-known artists and diviners such as Arthur Edward Waite, Pamela Colman-Smith, A.E., and others collaborated to create a new tarot deck called the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. This version of the Tarot deck became the standard for modern Tarot divination and is widely recognized. All I use for divination now is the Waite Tarot. Because it’s good enough to use.

Design and Meaning of Tarot Cards

Basically, each tarot card consists of a picture and a number or name. The picture represents some sort of symbol, allegory or myth, while the number or name represents the serial number of the cards in the tarot spread. Interpreting the symbolic meaning of each card and the interrelationships between different spreads can provide users with a wealth of information and insights that can help them make more informed choices.

Different tarot card decks may vary, but the basic card types, symbols and meanings are similar. Here are some common tarot card meanings:

Number: represents power, energy and productivity.

Demon: represents lust and shame.

Justice: represents morality, fairness and responsibility.

Love: represents love, family, community & cooperation.

Moon: represents mysticism, visions, dreams, intuition and spiritual growth.

As you can see, the Tarot decks and symbols are very diverse and enrich our understanding of ourselves and our surroundings. In a way, tarot cards can help us explore our deepest feelings and emotions and enable us to better understand ourselves and others.

Why are Tarot cards divinely accurate?

Some people are skeptical about the accuracy of tarot cards, while others believe it to be a true and accurate divination tool. So, how exactly do Tarot cards make accurate predictions? Here are some explanations:

I. Mysticism and Spiritual Aspects

Some people believe that tarot cards are able to make magical predictions because it involves mysticism and spiritual aspects. Some astrologers and soothsayers believe that it is possible to perceive future or current information through one’s inner feelings or connection to the outside world. This method is often used in tarot card divination.

II. Biofeedback and introspective aspects

In recent years, more and more studies have shown that it is possible to make accurate divination without using any tools. For example, techniques such as biofeedback and introspection have been shown to help people better understand their emotions, thinking and physical state. The same techniques can be used in tarot card divination.

III. Probabilistic and Human Behavioral Aspects

In addition to the two theories mentioned above, there are a number of scientific explanations that can explain the accuracy of tarot cards. For example, both probability theory and human behavior can account for the certainty and discipline of certain people and how people cope with uncertainty and change. Tarot card divination can also be analyzed based on such theories.

Overall, we can see that the accuracy of tarot cards is determined by a variety of factors. Some would attribute it to mysticism and spiritual aspects, while others believe that it is determined by techniques such as biofeedback and introspection. Still others believe that tarot card divination can be explained by applying sciences such as probability theory and human behavior. Either way, as long as you keep an open mind about tarot cards, it can help you understand yourself and others better and thus make more informed choices.

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